I could start this with, “I’m Montana born and raised,” but I think it’s more important for you to know where I’m going, than where I have been. Musically, I’ve always been drawn to the songs that touch my emotions. The sad ones.. the angry ones… the ones that make me feel… that tell me I’m alive. The first song I remember that touched me was “Bye Bye” by JoDee Messina. The happy go lucky stuff with big happy endings has always felt a little fake and unrelatable. Life is just not that way. The best lessons are learned when you reach for something or someone beyond your grasp. Reaching for what might be unattainable at that time, causes growing pains and growth both as a person and as an artist. Songs that are honest, and soul-baring are the ones that matter… Most people learn more from heartbreak than the learn than anything else and I want to become their voice. The thing I really love about sad music is that it reminds you that you aren’t alone… that someone understands what you are going through. My vision is to bring who I am to the world. To empower girls who feel like all boys do is take advantage of them. To remind them that they are queens & that they deserve better. I want women to recognize their worth and demand that men respect that. I have spent my entire life watching women compromise themselves in a way that doesn’t make them happy. I don’t want my songs to encourage that. I want to sing about the real things I feel & see others feel.
Event Date :Doors open January 25th at 7:00PM