Throughout the course of his career Sundance Head has written and recorded with the likes of ZZ Top, been a top finisher on not one, but two major network talent competitions, had three Number 1 songs on the Texas Music charts, has been singing his entire life and toured with some of the top artists in the business. But his latest accomplishment, his brand new album, STAINED GLASS AND NEON, produced by iconic songwriter and artist Dean Dillon, may just be his most outstanding achievement yet. The two found common ground when they first met at a Houston Rodeo week performance, and struck up a friendship. “Dean was in a hallway tuning his guitar. I really didn’t know anything about him, I just thought to myself, ‘this dude looks really cool and he has a bad-ass guitar and we are playing a show together.’ It was really fortunate for me to meet him this way I think, because I wasn’t one of those people who wanted something from him. I think that’s one of the reasons we became friends,” says Sundance.
Event Date :Doors open May 10 at 7:00PM